Nicole Marie Nicole Marie

QuickWrite of the Day #36: Worlds within worlds

Take a good look around you and think about what ‘worlds within worlds’ you can see or imagine. You might want to think about the world within a glass of water, inside a pot plant, in a painting or a photograph - anything you like. Now ask yourself: Who lives inside this world? What do they do? What does a typical day in this world look like? Spend some time asking ‘what if?’ and begin to write!

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Nicole Marie Nicole Marie

QuickWrite of the Day #33: 36 hours in…

Imagine you are putting together a ‘36-hour list’ for someone about how to best spend a weekend where you live. What would your 36 hours itinerary look like? What are the best things you can do throughout the day? Think about hobbies, social interactions (virtual and immediate), exercise, food, games, books and movies.

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Nicole Marie Nicole Marie

QuickWrite of the Day #32: Colours, flavours, music

Think about a strong feeling or a memory you have. Now ask yourself, if it were a colour, what would it be and why? What flavour would it be? What kind of music would it be? You might want to start with a list, then write!

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Nicole Marie Nicole Marie

QuickWrite of the Day #31: ‘I’ve Got This’

Have you ever had an ‘I’ve got this’ moment, where you faced a fear or did something you never thought you could do? What did it feel like? What helped you find the strength you needed? What did you discover about yourself?

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Nicole Marie Nicole Marie

QuickWrite of the Day #30: Texts from Katniss Everdeen

Choose a favourite book or movie character and think about who they would be texting right now. What would they be saying? Would they be laughing, teasing someone or expressing frustration? What situations could you have them texting about?

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Nicole Marie Nicole Marie

QuickWrite of the Day #29: Write About an Artefact

The history of our lives can be found in the objects and items we hold onto - every object has a story, however long or short. Write about an artefact or cherished item. You can: write the ‘back story’ of the artefact, write about why it is so important to you or write about a scene taking place from that artefact’s perspective - the choice is yours!

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Nicole Marie Nicole Marie

QuickWrite of the Day #28: Food that feeds your soul

In some places around the world, comfort food is having a moment. What kinds of foods make you feel calm, satisfied and cared-for? What sensations do you experience when you eat this food? How do you feel? What does it remind you of? 

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Nicole Marie Nicole Marie

QuickWrite of the Day #26: You can’t pour from an empty cup

What do you find comforting or soothing? What makes you feel energised and replenished? Draw or jot these down, then select one or two things from the list to write about. You can write reflectively about your own experience, or creatively about a character you have invented. The choice is yours!

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Nicole Marie Nicole Marie

QuickWrite of the Day #24: From the Perspective of the Animals

What do you think this current moment would look like from the perspective of the animals in this world? Would they be celebrating and partying? Plotting our destruction? Dazed and confused? Watching and judging from a distance? Warring with each other? Have a go at writing about it!

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Nicole Marie Nicole Marie

QuickWrite of the Day #23: Trying and failing at something new

Recently, television host and comedian Laura Daniel tried to make a cake that was a replica of the New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern’s face. It sparked a discussion about how it’s presently a good time to try and fail at something new. What have you tried and failed at recently? What did you learn or laugh about? Write about it!

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Nicole Marie Nicole Marie

QuickWrite of the Day #22: 6-Word Memoir

Inspired by Jimmy Fallon’s twitter thread #myquarantinein6words, today’s QuickWrite asks you to come up with your own 6-word memoir or tweet that sums up your experience.

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Nicole Marie Nicole Marie

QuickWrite of the Day #21: Living in the Age of…

Drawing on Charles Dickens’ opening lines to A Tale of Two Cities, what kind of ‘age’ do you think we are living in right now? What words capture what it’s like to experience this point in time? What are the current ‘times’ or ‘seasons’ like?

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Nicole Marie Nicole Marie

QuickWrite of the Day #20: A Snapshot in Time

Photographers around the world are capturing snapshots of strange sights in the midst of the current crisis we are living in. Take a photo or use an existing one that captures the current moment. What do you see? What does it make you think, feel or wonder?

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Nicole Marie Nicole Marie

QuickWrite of the Day #19: Shake it off

Think about the things you have seen, heard, felt or experienced that have made you feel frustrated or sad lately. These can range from things like listening to people chewing noisily, to not being able to see your friends in person. Jot your frustrations down in list form first, choose one of them and write about it —see where it takes you.

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