QuickWrite of the Day #17: Write about a person
"Writing can be used as a vehicle to express ourselves as we negotiate the journey through our lives” (Gallagher, 2011: p. 24)
Today’s QuickWrite of the Day:
In the film Good Will Hunting, Robin Williams’ character Sean Maguire talks about “the wonderful little idiosyncrasies” and “imperfections” that made his wife who she was, along with the “little things” she did that made up “the good stuff” in his life. At this time, some of us are living in close quarters with our families and guardians like we never have before, whereas others might be thinking about the people we miss most.
With this in mind, think about the quirks and imperfections of a person you love or miss at the moment. Consider:
What are this person’s mannerisms?
What are their quirks, habits and idiosyncrasies?
What ‘little things’ do they say or do which frustrate you or make you smile?
What do they sound like when they laugh?
Is there anything weird or strange this person does?
What physical qualities do they have which make them the person they are?
What makes them uniquely ‘them’?
Jot down a list first, then write something about it!
See my sample QuickWrite below: