QuickWrite of the Day #23: Trying and failing at something new

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"Writing can be used as a vehicle to express ourselves as we negotiate the journey through our lives” (Gallagher, 2011: p. 24)

Today’s QuickWrite of the Day:

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Recently, television host and comedian Laura Daniel tried to make a cake that was a replica of the New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern’s face (see picture above). This made a lot of people chuckle (or perhaps scream in fright, I don’t know). ABC Life even wrote this piece about it over the weekend, saying that a lot of people are spending time at home at the moment and are producing “misshapen bread loaves”, “wonky knitting” and “attempts to draw pigeons” and that now is a great time for some of us to try new things, fail at them and learn!

With this in mind, what new things have you tried or do you want to try during this time? What things have you failed at and learnt from? What made you laugh? What lessons did you learn? Jot these down and choose one thing to write about. Check out an excerpt from the ABC Life article below for inspiration:

Right now, the spirit of the fresh attempt is strong. So strong, in fact, there’s a flour shortage.I’ll admit, I am not a baker. Yet I’ve been on a quest to bake the best chocolate chip cookies ever, by scouring the internet armed with the search term ‘the best chocolate chip cookie recipe ever’, then going to my favourite bakery for flour. So far, I’ve tried three different recipes. One claims to be from a famous cookie shop in New York. They’re thick! And crunchy on the outside and super gooey in the middle. They turned out so good I’ve decided to start a recipe book I will one day pass on to my unborn kids. Whatever else isolation has done to me, I’m baking more than I ever have. I think it’s a nice way to pass the time, and because I can’t just go out on a whim, I’m trying to recreate a lot of dishes I enjoy eating out, which has also given me a newfound appreciation for how long it takes to make delicious food.

Want more QuickWrite topics? Check out the slide deck here, or see it in presentation mode on our Resources page.

Happy writing!


QuickWrite of the Day #24: From the Perspective of the Animals


QuickWrite of the Day #22: 6-Word Memoir