QuickWrite of the Day #44: Smells like/Tastes like…
"Writing can be used as a vehicle to express ourselves as we negotiate the journey through our lives” (Gallagher, 2011: p. 24)
Today’s QuickWrite:
Consider the tastes and smells of your childhood, or think about your favourite smells and tastes. Brainstorm a quick list. Here’s my example of tastes and smells from childhood:
The salty tang of fish and chips
My grandmother’s walnut syrup cake
Green tea and jasmine
The salty smell of the ocean
Freshly mowed grass
Grandma’s roses
The smell of petrol from the refinery
The rank smell of seaweed
The smell of roasting souvlaki meat on a barbeque
Now, choose one thing from your list that has a good story to it and write about why you still remember it. See the example from Kelly Gallagher’s Write Like This below: