QuickWrite of the Day #43: History of a Name
"Writing can be used as a vehicle to express ourselves as we negotiate the journey through our lives” (Gallagher, 2011: p. 24)
Today’s QuickWrite:
In Rick Riordan’s Percy Jackson and The Lightning Thief, the main character, Percy, is constantly reminded that “names have power.” For some people, names carry a connection to who they are and where they come from, or make people feel recognised and seen. Others might feel that their names don’t quite ‘match’ who they are, or they might dislike them.
With this in mind, think about your first name, middle name or family name. Pick one and jot it down at the top of a page and write about it! You might want to write about:
How you got your name
Stories behind your name (eg: “When I was 6…”, When I was 12…”)
What your name means to different people and to you
What you like/dislike about your name
How people might have mispronounced your name and how it made you feel
Your ‘almost’ name: the name your parents almost chose for you
How you might have changed your name
For an example, check out the Quickwrite below: