‘A QuickWrite a Day’ #4: A picture
"Writing can be used as a vehicle to express ourselves as we negotiate the journey through our lives” (Gallagher, 2011: p. 24)
Today’s ‘QuickWrite of the Day’
Photo by Marcus Spiske from Unsplash
Refer to an important image or photograph in your life, or take a photo right now of something that captures what this time in your life is like.
Your photo could be a treasured family photograph, an old photograph from a time before you were born, a photograph of friends, an ‘in the moment’ candid photograph, a photograph of an object, a significant moment or even a room in your house!
What does your chosen image or photograph mean to you? Why did you select this image to write about? Why is it so important? What does it make you think, feel or wonder?
If you’d like to see an example of a piece of writing like this, check out this quote from Maxine Beneba Clarke’s The Hate Race:
“Photographs of the time show my father in flared cords and tightly fitted shirts, his oval-shaped afro rising high above his head. There’s my drama-school-graduate mother, dainty and petite in velour turtlenecks and large wooden earrings, sparkly eyed and beautiful. Both of them are Black Britain to a tee: full to bursting with seventies hippie hopefulness. And my god, their youth. Over the years, snippets of the journey, of how your father and I came to Australia, have been told and retold. The margins between events have blended and shifted in the tell of it. There’s the folklore way West Indians have, of weaving a tale: facts just so, gasps and guffaws in all the right places –because, after all, what else is a story for? ”