Quickwrite of the Day #76: Words you would say to a friend
“Writing can be used as a vehicle to express ourselves as we negotiate the journey through our lives” (Gallagher, 2011: p.24)
Today’s Quickwrite:
Today’s Quickwrite is inspired by the writing and illustrations of Mari Andrew. In the image below, she captures what it means to speak to yourself like you would speak to a close friend:
Often, we can find that the words we reserve for ourselves are not as kind or as compassionate as the ones we would use with our friends. That’s why today, we invite you to engage in a Quickwrite where you will talk to yourself using the same kinds of words that you would use with a close friend. You can:
Write a letter
Draw an image like Mari Andrew’s above
Write yourself a short note
Write a journal or diary entry
Write a snippet of dialogue (eg: a conversation with yourself)
Express yourself in any other way that you like!
There’s only one rule: Be kind with your words because you are a human being too, like anyone else!
Want more Quickwrite topics? Check out the slide deck here, or see it in presentation mode on your Resources page.
Happy writing!