QuickWrite of the Day #51: About this time, I get the urge to…

My Thoughts.PNG

"Writing can be used as a vehicle to express ourselves as we negotiate the journey through our lives” (Gallagher, 2011: p. 24)

Today’s QuickWrite of the Day:

Sometimes, when we are getting ready for a change in scenery that we’ve experienced before, we might feel an urge to participate in rituals or do certain things we usually do to prepare ourselves to enter into the new. This might happen when we think about the transition from winter to spring, from the school holidays to the first day of school, from our school routine to the summer holidays,  when we approach Christmas season or the beginning of Ramadan, when the weekend is coming up, or when we move house or visit someone over the weekend.

Below is an example of a writer’s thoughts about approaching a return to school, beginning with “Every year about this time I get the urge to…”

Every year about this time I get the urge to buy a copybook. And some of those little rectangular pink erasers that look good enough to eat. And a whole lot of those round reinforcements, which were supposed to be pasted around the holes in your loose-leaf paper but were more often made into designs on the inside cover of your loose leaf binder.
— Anna Quindlin

With this in mind, have a go at writing your own “I get the urge to…” paragraph about a change or transition you experience at certain points in the year or week. What images pop up in your mind when you think about this transition? Have a go and write!

*Sentence and exercise from The Writer’s Workout Book by Art Peterson

Want more QuickWrite topics? Check out the slide deck here, or see it in presentation mode on our Resources page.

Happy writing!


QuickWrite of the Day #52: Strange, beautiful words


QuickWrite of the Day #50: Self-Portrait