QuickWrite of the Day #49: Looks can be deceiving

My Thoughts.PNG

"Writing can be used as a vehicle to express ourselves as we negotiate the journey through our lives” (Gallagher, 2011: p. 24)

QuickWrite of the Day:

You’ve probably heard the saying that appearances can be deceiving. With this in mind, jot down something about you that no one would be able to guess at first glance. 

You might want to start with a list beginning with “You wouldn’t be able to guess that I...”. Next, choose one item from the list and write about it! What do you think or feel about it?

To see an example of this kind of writing, check out the paragraph below:

At first glance, when people see a 157cm-tall woman who is bookish, gentle and says “sorry” a lot, no one would guess that I used to compete in Tae Kwon Do tournaments. No one knows I can snap a plank of wood in half with my heel or palm. No one knows I can calculate how to outmanoeuvre a stronger attacker, or block an incoming punch to the head. No one knows I have trained how to fall, roll, and get up again, how to count in Korean, and how to achieve a state of flow when moving in form. Although I’m rusty at all of this a decade and-a-half and a back surgery later, it still tickles me to see people’s eyebrows disappear into their hairlines when I tell them.

Want more QuickWrite topics? Check out the slide deck here, or see it in presentation mode on our Resources page.

Happy writing!


QuickWrite of the Day #50: Self-Portrait


QuickWrite of the Day #48: Writing from a song: Took the Children Away