QuickWrite of the Day #47: Dear Australia…

My Thoughts.PNG

"Writing can be used as a vehicle to express ourselves as we negotiate the journey through our lives” (Gallagher, 2011: p. 24)

Today’s QuickWrite:

Australia Post have created a National Letterbox and are inviting everyday people to share their experiences of life during the  COVID-19 pandemic. They’re working with the National Archives of Australia to keep some ‘Dear Australia’ letters as historical records for future generations to look back on this time. 

Australia Post have said that these letters can contain messages of hope, descriptions of how your life has been changed at this time, stories about community spirit and artwork. 

If you were going to write a ‘Dear Australia’ letter (or if you are not from Australia, a letter to the country you are from), what would you say? If you have completed some writing about this time in your life, have a look at it and see if you can find anything that stands out to you. Start brainstorming, and quickly draft your own ‘Dear Australia’ letter! You can revise it into a more polished piece later. 

For inspiration, check out the examples below. For more information, click on the video under the images below.  If you want to send your letter to the National Letterbox, place it in a stamped envelope, make sure you clearly state on the face of the letter that it is from your parent/guardian and you, and make sure it is addressed to:

Dear Australia

Locked Bag

Australia 9999

Want more QuickWrite topics? Check out the slide deck here, or see it in presentation mode on our Resources page.

Happy writing!


QuickWrite of the Day #48: Writing from a song: Took the Children Away


QuickWrite of the Day #46: Favourite Lines