QuickWrite of the Day #37: The Joy of Missing Out
"Writing can be used as a vehicle to express ourselves as we negotiate the journey through our lives” (Gallagher, 2011: p. 24)
QuickWrite of the Day:
Some of us have heard of ‘FOMO’ —the fear of missing out —but what about ‘JOMO’, the joy of missing out?
Sometimes, missing out on things can help you slow down and notice what’s really important, bringing deeper connections to the world around you, richer relationships with other people and more joy. Before long, you might even realise that you are actually happy about missing out on something. Other times, you might just be happy to miss out on an activity because you don’t really like it!
Reflecting on this, what kinds of things are you happy to be missing out on at the moment? Here are a few ideas:
Crowded public transport
Waiting for a long time in the canteen line
An overscheduled week (doing too many things every day)
Make a list of your own and then choose one thing to write about. You might want to start with ‘I won’t miss_______ because…’, or you can think of your own way of beginning. Consider: Why is it a joy for you to miss out on this item from your list? What has missing out on this thing made you think about, feel or realise?
Want more QuickWrite topics? Check out the slide deck here, or see it in presentation mode on our Resources page.
Happy writing!